Media Meets Semantic Web — How the BBC Uses DBpedia and Linked Data to Make Connections
Georgi Kobilarov, Tom Scott, Yves Raimond, Silver Oliver, Chris Sizemore, Michael Smethurst, Christian Bizer & Robert Lee
In this paper, we describe how the BBC is working to integrate data and linking documents across BBC domains by using Semantic Web technology, in particular Linked Data, MusicBrainz and DBpedia. We cover the work of BBC Programmes and BBC Music building Linked Data sites for all music and programmes related brands, and we describe existing projects, ongoing development, and further research we are doing in a joint collaboration between the BBC, Freie Universität Berlin and Rattle Research in order to use DBpedia as the controlled vocabulary and semantic backbone for the whole BBC.
Linking BBC Domains
Paper originally published at the European Semantic Web Conference, 2009
Winner of Best In-Use-Track Paper Award.
Posted on May 31, 2009 #work